Anytime a transaction takes place wherein you are obtaining an interest in real estate, or transferring an interest in real estate, it is best to have an attorney involved to ensure that the course of action you are taking is in your best interest.
Our attorneys have over 75 combined years of experience handling any and all kinds of transactions involving real estate.
The attorneys at Stewart and Bruss, P.C. are experienced in consulting with clients regarding their real estate transaction, as well as representation of their best interest when it comes time to negotiate with other parties. If necessary, we will vigorously represent our clients in litigation if our clients’ rights are being compromised. We can provide you with peace of mind with our expertise in the following areas:
- Residential or Commercial Real Estate Transactions
- Land Contracts
- Real Estate Disputes
- Eminent Domain
- Easements
- Short Sales
- Foreclosures
- Residential and Commercial Leases